Accounting Technology Programs in New Mexico
Educational Information:
Accounting professionals spend their time dealing with numbers and making sure the books of the business are current and up-to-date with all of the pertinent information for the organization. These individuals need to possess a strong attention to detail, exceptional organizational skills and a strong work ethic.
Licensing Information:
Applicants looking for their CPA license in New Mexico need to pass all four parts of the CPA exam, successfully complete the AICPA ethics examination with a minimum score of 90, meet all of the educational requirements and have at least one year of public accounting experience. Experience needs to be under the direct supervision of a licensed CPA. You also need at least 150 semester hours, a bachelor degree and 30 hours of accounting.
Employment Information:
Gas and oil and huge industries in New Mexico, which has a tremendous source of natural gas, petroleum and alternative energy. Accountants who are interested in these fields will find a variety of opportunities available to them. Make sure to check out all of the oil and gas accounting societies to see what may be available in the area. The government has a number of accounting jobs for those with their CPA license, including some within the local field office for the FBI in Las Cruces.
As of May 2020, accounting professionals earned an average salary of $67,330 in New Mexico. Between 2018 and 2028, the number of accountant and auditor jobs in the state is projected to increase by 6.7%, which is much higher than the national average growth rate of 4% during this period. About 680 annual job openings in this field are expected during this ten-year period leading to 2028 due to a combination of new job growth, retirements, and natural job turnover.
May 2020 Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and job market trends for accountants and auditors represent state data, not school-specific information.
Job growth projections for 2018-2028 sourced from the U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored O*Net database. Figures represent state data, not school-specific information.
Conditions in your area may vary. Data Accessed May 2021.