Accounting Schools in Indiana

Indiana Accounting Schools

Indiana Board of Accountancy402 West Washington Street – Room w072
Indianapolis, IN 62786
Phone: 317-234-3040
Fax: 317-233-4236

Those who enter into an accounting program will be prepared to assume a position in the accounting field, as well as a foundation for learning throughout their lifetime. Students who graduate with their accounting degree will have obtained the following skills and knowledge:

  • Competency in the current technology that relates to those in the accounting field
  • An understanding of the accounting theory and principles that encompass technical knowledge that is required for entry into one of the many different accounting professions
  • The ability to apply cost accounting, taxation, auditing and financial accounting to that of the needs of the individual organization

Accounting is an integral component to every industry in the world today. A successful accountant will have communication, interpersonal and problem solving skills. They will also bring a broad perspective and specialized knowledge of accounting into the workplace. The accounting profession provides you with a number of opportunities that are both rewarding and challenging in fields of government, public accounting, industry, tax accounting and nonprofit organizations. All of the courses and hands on experience will help prepare you to enter into the world of accounting.

Total Accounting Schools: 60
Total Accounting Students: 43,168
Average Tuition: $18,030
Average Scholarship Package: $7,202
Average Grant Amount: $9,978
Average Classroom Size: 17 Students
Online Accounting Programs: 44
Average Online Tuition: $17,182
Online Undergraduate Programs: 43
Online Graduate Programs: 27
Top Accounting Schools:University of Notre Dame
Taylor University
Purdue University – Main Campus
Largest Accounting School:Indiana University – Bloomington
• 7,613 Students Currently Attending
Cheapest Accounting School:Ivy Tech Community College
• $3,455 Annual Tuition Charges
School With Largest Financial Aid Packages:University of Notre Dame
• $27,329 Average Financial Aid Award

Salary and Job Outlook for Accountants in Indiana

As of May 2020, Indiana’s accountants earned an average salary of $66,480, while those at the top of the pay scale (90th percentile), who largely represent those with advanced degrees like the master’s in accounting, executive titles, and the coveted CPA designation, earned about $111,010. Some of the highest paid accountants are in the Louisville/Jefferson County (KY-IN) metro area, where they earned an average salary of $87,720 and a top salary (90th percentile) of $126,300 as of May 2020.

Note that salary statistics for accountants feature only base salaries and not salary incentives like bonuses and stock options that are commonplace in this profession.

Between 2018 and 2028, the number of accountant jobs in Indiana is projected to grow by 7% – higher than the national projected growth rate of 4% in this profession during this time. The state expects to see about 2,290 job openings in the accounting field during this ten-year period leading to 2028 due to a combination of new job growth, retirements, and natural job turnover.

Land a job in one of Indiana’s accounting firms and you’ll enjoy opportunities in auditing, tax preparation, accounting, and consulting, just to name a few.

  • Auditing – As an accounting professional, this is the most important function for all of those in the field. Many firms will devote a large amount of their resources and time to auditing the financial statements for the business. Auditing fees compromise around half of all revenues brought in by accounting firms.
  • Accounting Services – Firms will perform a large number of services for their clients. Services can range from maintaining accounting records, preparing the necessary financial statements, and performing compilations of records. Limited assurance is given to the company through this review.
  • Tax Preparation – Accounting firms will provide corporate clients with a number of different services ranging from tax planning to review of tax returns, tax preparation and tax litigation. Accounting professionals will stand by your side in court to fight for you in the event of any litigations. They will assist you with planning your taxes, so that way you can rest assured that you are always on time and filing the necessary forms with the state and local governments.

May 2020 Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and job market data for accountants and auditors represents state data, not school-specific information.

Job growth projections for 2018-2028 sourced from the U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored O*Net database represents state data, not school-specific information.

Conditions in your area may vary. Data Accessed May 2021.